Saturday 30 November 2013

Today mark the starting day of December. Last year in this day, it used to be fun with the one I love most after my family. But today this year has mark a heart wrenching story in my life. Today I was forgotten like a lost puppy by someone that used to love me, motivated me and promised to take care of me after I gave everything to him. He somewhat feel nothing about it and enjoy his daily life while I can only keep my hardest feeling deep inside my heart. After all I can't blame only him, we both did mistakes as well but at last girl always suffer the most from a failed relationship.  Well, at least I can express some to this blog of mine.

Saturday 31 August 2013

On a Sunday morning, I usually go to the church at Masjid Jamek by train. The view and the weather in the morning is so calming and soothing to the heart. These feelings make my journey to my favourite church which is St. John Cathedral more enjoying. The wind blowing while walking slowly erase the laziness in my head and sleepiness of woke up at 6.30 in the morning.